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Cost of living and mental health


Each year in England, 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem and each week, 1 in 6 people will report experiencing a common mental health problem (like anxiety and depression). *Figures quoted from Mind

These figures are rising, and the cost of living crisis we are currently facing continues to have a detrimental effect on the nation’s mental health.

Money worries can often be met with embarrassment or a deep-rooted social fear of opening up about our finances, but it’s important that we share our worries and break this taboo.

For this year’s World Mental Health Day, NHS Leeds and York Partnership, encouraged the people of Leeds to open up and talk about their money worries.

“During this cost of living crisis, lots of people are struggling with their finances which can take its toll on their mental health. It is important that people know how to access the help available in Leeds.

“The more comfortable people feel talking about their financial difficulties, the more likely they are to reach out for support. Let’s all break the taboo of talking about money worries and make sure people get the support they need during these difficult times.”

Talking with friends and family can ease the strain of any worries you may have, but it’s also important to get practical advice and know where to turn for support when it’s needed.

The Leeds Money Information Centre offers free, impartial, and confidential advice and information on a wide range of money issues from how to access food, to debt management and housing concerns.

You can also access mental health support from Mindwell Leeds. The website includes lots of information on how to look after your own wellbeing or where to go for further support. It also offers useful advice on what to do if you're worried about others, how to talk about mental health issues and what to do if you believe someone is in crisis.

Want to find out more about mental health support for others?

Voluntary Action Leeds is hosting a Mental Health Awareness training session on 23 January 9:30am - 12:30pm, to help to gain a better understanding of mental health challenges in our lives and workplace.

The course is for anyone who wants to raise their awareness of mental health issues, learn how to support others with empathy and compassion, and understand where to access more help when needed.

Discounts are available for VAL Essentials Subscribers. Book your place or please speak to one of the team if you have any queries.

It's important to remember that support is always available and someone is always willing to listen. Let's help support each other and break the taboo about talking about money worries.



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